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Ballon Community & Sports Centre has been serving the

needs of our local rural community for almost 50 years. 

We are truly proud to offer a state of art sports facility

which includes a full size sports hall measuring 500m²,

with an overlooking 50m² viewing area/meeting room,

a fully equipped industrial grade kitchen, fully accessible toilets,

showers, locker rooms, lift and car park.





To operate a Community Centre for the benefit of
Residents of Ballon, Rathoe and surrounding areas,

to provide facilities for:


• Educational activities
•Cultural activities
•Recreational activities
•Senior citizen activities
•Activities of local charitable organisations.


Ballon Hall Committee Limited CLG

Hall opening ceremony cropped.jpg
OPENING 2013.jpg

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The original Community Centre was a monument in the village of Ballon for over 40 years.

It was the brainchild of the then committee which comprised of Mr. Simon Kearney

who was chairman at the time. He was joined on the committee by Jim Nolan - Altamont,

Tommy Nolan - Ballon, Bill O'Neill - Ballon, Sean Nolan - Ballon, Seamus Cummins - Ballon,

Michael O'Toole and Paddy Nolan, both Ballon and who are the last surviving members

of that original committee.

This committee brought to fruition a project that served the community well by way of

concerts, sports events, dances and many other events. As time moved on,

the Community Centre faced it's own challenges by way of modernisation, upkeep and

maintenance. The roof began to leak and so it was decided that it should be replaced.

This work was carried out, but then the committee were made aware that grant aid

funding may be available to modernise the building.

A strong committee was formed, who's chairman was Eddie Kearney, son of the original

chairman Simon. This committee expanded over the following few months.

Contact was made with the local 'Leader' branch. Two representatives from Leader came

to visit the centre. They were not impressed by what they saw in the centre.

These Leader reps advised the committee to have plans drawn up and set about applying

for planning permission. They informed the committee that they thought they would

qualify for grant aid. At this point a new company was formed - Ballon Hall Committee Ltd.

A local architect was employed to draw up plans and apply for planning permission.

After some time, planning permission was approved and the grant aid was awarded.

A local builder was awarded the contract in January of 2013. 

After a long tendering process,

the build commenced in July 2013.

And finally, the doors of the new Ballon Community & Sports Centre opened in December

of that same year. Now a modern new building, the centre is home to many clubs and

societies e.g.: Active Retirement Bowls, Badminton, Indoor Soccer and Basketball

to name a few.

From March 2022 until late spring of 2024 it was a rest centre for Ukrainian refugees

fleeing the war in their home country. This would not have been possible without the

cooperation of the community of Ballon at large. The centre has now reverted back to the

community who are enjoying the facility in all its glory once again.



Written by Helen Castle, July 2024   








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